Welcome to Rami’s Readings #10 - a weekly digest of interesting articles, videos, Twitter threads from my various sources across the Internet. Expect a list of reads covering technology, business, culture, fashion, travel and more. Learn about what I do at ramisayar.com/about.
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🤖💼 AI & Business Reads - Focusing on Prototyping Tools and Pitching Innovation Projects
The reception from last week's newsletter focusing on the 3% rule was stellar. Thank you for all the feedback and shares!
Following up on practical advice from last week, bringing ideas to life with prototypes is a powerful way to motivate an innovation project. Describing ideas with concept screenshots and beautiful design is effective, but it needs to reveal the authentic user experience. A concept demo video walking a user through an idea better shows the look and feel. To be more motivating in your innovation pitch, a clickable prototype that matches your presentation is even more effective. It also allows you to direct the presentation based on audience questions.
Remember that when you're pitching investors or executives at your company, no matter your track record (of which having one certainly helps), there is still a credibility gap you have to jump over. In my experience, if you are already in the room, your personal credibility will matter less than whether your innovation project can credibly succeed. A clickable prototype makes it easier to believe this can be real and how it can work. I learned this over time, but if you are successful in your pitch, make your prototype stand alone. In other words, make it accessible and shareable. In the context of a large company, it allows the person you pitched to share it with her leadership and peers. The credibility of your sponsor will boost your own, and they will also have a vested interest in your success. Have an experience you would like to share? I would love to hear.
You can leverage generative AI in every step, from the design to the pitch itself. Some examples:
Use AI to create realistic UX personas. Even better: ask ChatGPT to create personas from real, anonymized data of your customers (within legal limits).
Use AI to generate ad creatives to demonstrate potential marketing campaigns.
Use AI to write multiple press releases across various themes to show your leadership what kind of messaging you could have
Figma and Canva are the real power tools you can use to create standalone prototypes and they are quickly adopting generative AI or investing in companies building them.
Pitching an innovation project in your organization is squarely within your control.
Stability AI, Hugging Face and Canva back new AI research nonprofit
This graphic design platform boosted its power with generative AI
Earnings Are Greater and Increasing in Occupations That Require Intellectual Tenacity
Notes: “Intellectual Tenacity” - interesting.

I wrote a disclosure for this newsletter in #7. Please consider reading it.